International Research Presentations
Olanoff, D., Bajwa, N. P., Tobias, J. M, & Welder, R. M. (2023, October). Reflecting on and evaluating tasks: What happens when learning goals are not met? Presentation for the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Reno, NV.
Welder, R. M., Castro Superfine, A., Prasad, P. V., & Olanoff, D. (2022, November). Conceptualizing mathematics teacher educator knowledge: Comparing and contrasting existing frameworks. Presentation for the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nashville, TN.
Welder, R. M., Burton, M., & Eisenreich, H. (2022, November). Using mindfulness to support the well-being of preservice K-8 teachers during a pandemic. Presentation for the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nashville, TN.
Eisenreich, H., Welder, R. M., Burton, M., & Armesto, B. (2022, February). Implementing mindfulness-based interventions with university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation for the Annual Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning. Savannah, GA.
Welder, R. M., Williams, A. M., Kwok. M., & Moore, J. (2021, October). Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics to Unpack the Language of Additive Word Problems. Presentation for the 43rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Philadelphia, PA.
Foran, A., Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2021, October). Task Development to Address Error Patterns in Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Posing of Multi-Step Word Problems. Presentation for the 43rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Philadelphia, PA.
Max, B., & Welder, R. M. (2021, June). Using Children’s Thinking to Support Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Geometric Understanding. Presentation for the 42nd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Olanoff, D., Prasad, P. V., & Welder, R. M. (2021, June). Exploring Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Avenues for Professional Growth: A Review of the Research Literature. Presentation for the 42nd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Bajwa, N. P., Tobias, J. M., Olanoff, D., & Welder, R. M. (2021, June). Developing Prospective Teachers’ Representational Fluency of Whole Number Multiplication Using Array Representations. Presentation for the 42nd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Foran, A., & Welder, R. M. (2021, May). Error Patterns in Prospective K-8 Teachers’ Posing of Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems. Presentation for the 42nd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Max, B. & Welder, R. M. (2019, November). Engaging Prospective Elementary Teachers in Standards for Mathematical Practice within Content Courses for Teachers. Presentation for the 41st Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri.
Olanoff, D., Welder, R. M., Prasad, P., & Superfine, A. (2018, November). Fractalization as a Metaphor for Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Teachers: Synthesizing the Frameworks and Exploring the Consequences. Presentation at the 40th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Greenville, SC: South Carolina University.
Olanoff, D., Bajwa, N., Feldman, Z., Thanheiser, E., Welder, R. M., & Tobias, J. M. (2018, November). Using the Array Model to Develop Prospective Teachers’ Understanding of Multiplication and its Properties. Poster presentation at the 40th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Greenville, SC: South Carolina University.
Welder, R. M., Prasad, P., Castro-Superfine, A., & Olanoff, D. (2017, November). Developing a Framework for Mathematical Knowledge for Improving the Content Preparation of Elementary Teachers. Poster presentation at the 39th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Indianapolis, IN: Purdue University.
Olanoff, D., Feldman, Z.,Welder, R. M., Tobias, J. M., Thanheiser, E., & Hillen, A. (2016, November). Task Design for Preservice Elementary Teachers: Eliciting the Greater-Number-of-Larger-Pieces Strategy for Fraction Comparison. Presentation at the 38th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona.
Welder, R. M., Tobias, J. M.,Feldman, Z.,Hillen, A., Olanoff, D., & Thanheiser, E. (2015, November). Modifying Children’s Tasks into Cognitively Demanding Task for Preservice Elementary Teachers. Presentation at the 37th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Olanoff, D., Hillen, A. F., Tobias, J. M.,Welder, R. M.,Thanheiser, E., & Feldman, Z. (2014, July). Facilitating Prospective Teachers’ Fraction Number Sense Development Through Problem Solving and Problem Posing. Presentation at the 38th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia.
Feldman, Z., Tobias, J. M., Olanoff, D., Thanheiser, E., Hillen, A. F., & Welder, R. M. (2014, July). Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Analysis of Student Thinking. Presentation at the 38th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia.
Thanheiser, E., Hillen, A., Olanoff, D., Feldman, Z., Welder, R. M., & Tobias, J. M. (2013, November). Task Design in Mathematics Content Courses for Preservice Elementary Teachers: A Collaborative Approach. Presentation at the 35th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Chicago, Illinois.
Welder, R. M., McCloskey, A., & Searle, S. P. (2013, November). Teaching to Teach Without Having Taught: Mathematics Teacher Educators Preparing Elementary Teachers of Mathematics. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Chicago, Illinois.
Welder, R. M. & Jong, C. (2012, November). Examining Connections Between Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Conceptions about Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Presentation at the 34thAnnual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, Michigan.
McCloskey, A., Beisiegel, M., Eli, J., Welder, R. M., & Yow, J. (2012, November). Parallel Transitions: Similarities Between Challenges Faced by New Mathematics Teachers and New Mathematics Teacher Educators. Presentation at the 34thAnnual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Eli, J. A., Beisiegel, M., McCloskey, A., Welder, R. M., & Yow, J. (2012, July). Transitioning to Faculty: New Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Perceptions of Successful Doctoral Program Preparation. Poster presented at the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Seoul, Korea.
Beisiegel, M., Eli, J., McCloskey, A., Welder, R. M., & Yow, J. (2012, April). Becoming a Mathematics Teacher Educator: Novice Faculty Members’ Perceptions of the Impact of Doctoral Program Experiences. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Division J-Postsecondary Education. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Jong, C., Hodges, T. E., & Welder, R. M. (2012, April). Conceptions of Mathematics in Related Contexts: Measuring Elementary Teachers’ Development Over Time. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, SIG-Research in Mathematics Education. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Welder, R. M., Hodges, T. E., & Jong, C. (2011, October). Measuring Changes in Teachers’ Beliefs, Attitudes, and Dispositions Related to Experiences in Mathematics. Presentation at the 33rdAnnual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Reno, Nevada.
Beisiegel, M., Eli, J., McCloskey, A., Welder, R. M., & Yow, J. (2011, October). Transforming Practices by Understanding Connections Between New Mathematics Teacher Educators and New K-12 Mathematics Teachers. Poster presented at the 33rdAnnual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Reno, Nevada.
Beisiegel, M., Eli, J., McCloskey, A., Welder, R. M., & Yow, J. (2011, October). Mathematics Teacher Educators: A Missing Link in the Improvement and Scholarship of Mathematics Teacher Education. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Welder, R. M.(2006, January). Prerequisite Knowledge for the Learning of Algebra. Presentation at the Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Working and Discussion Groups at International Conferences
Welder, R. M., Appova, A., Olanoff, D., Taylor, C. E., & Kulow, T. (2016, November). Improving Preservice Elementary Teacher Education Through the Preparation and Support of Elementary Mathematics Teacher Educators. Working group (3 sessions) held at the 38th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona. [working group leader]
Welder, R. M., Jansen, A., & McCloskey, A. (2014, July). Preparing and Supporting Mathematics Teacher Educators: Opportunities and Challenges. Discussion group at the 38th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia. [discussion group leader]
Hart, L., …Welder, R. M., et al. (2013, November). Developing Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical KnowledgeFor Teaching: Identifying Important Issues. Working group at the 35th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Chicago, Illinois. [working group member]
Hart, L., Swars, S., Oesterle, S., & Kajander, A. (2012, November). Developing Elementary Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: Building on What We Know. Working group at the 34th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, Michigan. [working group member]
National Research Presentations
Olanoff, D., Tobias, J. M, Bajwa, N. P., & Welder, R. M. (2024, February). Reflecting on prospective teachers’ responses to understand task effectiveness and inform task modifications. Presentation for the 27th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL.
Welder, R. M., Champion, J., Eisenreich, H., & Burton, M. (2024, February). Mindfulness for addressing math anxiety in mathematics courses for preservice elementary and middle school teachers. Presentation for the 27th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL.
Welder, R. M., Burton, M., & Eisenreich, H. (2022, October). Mindfulness in mathematics: Integrating mindfulness practices in the mathematics classroom. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Los Angeles, CA.
Williams, A. M., & Welder, R. M. (2022, October). Infusing multiculturalism and equity into the posing of mathematics word problems. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Los Angeles, CA.
Williams, A. M., & Welder, R. M. (2022, April). Preparing K-8 Teachers to Pose Word Problems: Embracing the Opportunity to Promote Equity and Multiculturalism. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA.
Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2022, March). Preparing K-8 Teachers to Pose Word Problems: Embracing the Opportunity to Promote Equity and Multiculturalism. Presentation for the 49th Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Grapevine, TX.
Williams, A. M., Welder, R. M., Kwok, M., & Moore, J. (2022, March). Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Learning of Word Problems with Linguistics. Presentation for the 49th Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Grapevine, TX.
Williams, A. M., & Welder, R. M. (2022, February). Preparing K-8 Teachers to Pose Word Problems: Embracing the Opportunity to Promote Equity and Multiculturalism. Presentation for the 45th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association.
Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2022, February). Identifying Error Patterns in Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Posing of Multi-Step Arithmetic Word Problems. Presentation for the 45th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association.
Welder, R. M., Burton, M., & Eisenreich, H. (2022, February). Well-Being Beyond the Curriculum: Strategies MTEs Can Provide to Reduce Stress and Anxiety through Mindfulness. Presentation for the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Las Vegas, NV.
Welder, R. M., Kwok, M., Moore, J., & Williams, A. M. (2022, February). Beyond Keywords: Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics to Unpack the Language of Additive Word Problems. Presentation for the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Las Vegas, NV.
Williams, A. M., & Welder, R. M. (2022, February). Identifying Errors in Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problem Posing: A Task for Prospective K-8 Teachers. Presentation for the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Las Vegas, NV.
Prasad, P. V., Olanoff, D., Castro-Superfine, A., & Welder, R. M. (2022, February). What’s Missing in the Research Literature on Mathematics Teacher Educator Knowledge? Presentation for the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Las Vegas, NV.
Kwok, M., Moore, J., Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2021, December 2021). Beyond Keywords: Unlocking the Language of Word Problems in Math. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the Literacy Research Association. Atlanta, GA.
Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2021, October). Posing Multi-Step Word Problems: An Error-Analysis Task for Prospective K-8 Teachers. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the School Science and Mathematics Association. Virtual.
Welder, R. M., Eisenreich, H., & Burton, M. (accepted* for 2021, September). Facilitating Mindfulness Practices in K-12 Schools to Support the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Atlanta, GA. [*conference canceled due to pandemic]
Welder, R. M., Burton, M., & Eisenreich, H. (accepted* for 2021, September). Mindfulness in Mathematics: Integrating Mindfulness Practices in the Mathematics Classroom. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Atlanta, GA. [*conference canceled due to pandemic]
Williams, A. M., & Welder, R. M. (accepted* for 2021, September). Infusing Multiculturalism and Equity into the Posing of Mathematics Word Problems. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Atlanta, GA. [*conference canceled due to pandemic]
Kwok, M., Moore, J., Williams, A. M., & Welder, R. M. (2021, March). Integrating Linguistics and Mathematics to Support Preservice Teachers in Identifying Structural Differences in Word Problems. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Virtual.
Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2021, February). Preparing K-8 Teachers to Pose Word Problems: Embracing the Opportunity to Promote Equity and Multiculturalism. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Virtual.
Williams, A. M., Welder, R. M., & Foran, A. (2021, February). Exploring Multicultural Practices in Posing Mathematics Word Problems. Presentation for the 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Virtual.
Foran, A., Welder, R. M., & Williams, A. M. (2021, February). Multi-step Addition and Subtraction Problem Posing: Common Errors Made by Prospective K-8 Teachers. Presentation for the 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Virtual.
Tobias, J. M., Bajwa, N., Olanoff, D., & Welder, R. M. (2021, February). Deepening Prospective Teachers’ Understandings by Focusing on Reflective Analysis Within Task Design. Presentation for the 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Virtual.
Welder, R. M., & William, A. M., & (2020, October). Enhancing Prospective Elementary Teachers’ Ability to Pose Multistep Arithmetic Word Problems. Presentation for the Annual Conference of the School Science and Mathematics Association. Virtual.
Olanoff, D., Prasad, P. V., & Welder, R. M. (2020, February). Mathematics Teacher Educator Knowledge: What is it, and How Do We Support its Development? Presentation for the 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Phoenix, Arizona.
Orrill, C., Olanoff, D., Boston, M., Brown, R., Tobias, J. M., Bajwa, N. P., Thanheiser, E., Welder, R. M., & Candela, A. G. (2020, February). Tasks for Teachers: Approaches to the Design of Tasks for Preservice and Inservice Learners. Symposium for the 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Phoenix, Arizona.
Welder, R. M. & Champion, J. (2019, February). Mindfulness Practices in Mathematics Teacher Education. Presentation at the 23rdAnnual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Bajwa, N., Welder, R. M., Feldman, Z., Olanoff, D., Tobias, J. M., and Thanheiser, E. (2019, February). Fostering Representational Fluency: Deepening Prospective Teachers’ Understanding of Multiplication. Presentation at the 23rdAnnual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Tobias, J. M., Feldman, Z., Welder, R. M., & Olanoff, D. (2017, February). Fraction Learning Trajectories in Content Courses for Prospective K-8 Teachers.Presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Taylor, C. E., Appova, A., Welder, R. M., & Feldman, Z. (2016, January). Supporting Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Work with Prospective Elementary Teachers: A Look Through Multiple Perspectives. Invited symposium presentation at the 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Tobias, J. M., Hillen, A., Olanoff, D., Welder, R. M., Thanheiser, E., & Feldman, Z. (2015, February). Using Reflective Analysis to Modify Mathematical Tasks After Enactment. Presentation at the 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Olanoff, D., Hillen, A., Thanheiser, E., Welder, R. M., Feldman, Z., & Tobias, J. M. (2014, June). Modifying Children’s Mathematical Tasks for Use in Inquiry-Based Learning Content Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers. Presentation at the 17th Annual Legacy of R.L. Moore—Inquiry-Based Learning Conference. Denver, Colorado.
Welder, R. M & McCloskey, A. (2013, April). Teaching to Teach Without Having Taught: New Mathematics Teacher Educators. Presentation at the Research Presession of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado.
Jong, C. & Welder, R. M. (2013, January). Exploring Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Co-development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Conceptions about Mathematics. Presentation at the 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Welder, R. M., Hodges, T. E., & Jong, C. (2012, April). Measuring Teachers’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Dispositions Over Time. Work Session at the Research Presession of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Eli, J., Yow, J., & Welder, R. M.(2012, April). Similarities Among New Teacher Educators and New K-12 Mathematics Teachers. Presentation at the Research Presession of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Welder, R. M., Yow, J., Beisiegel, M., & Eli, J. (2012, February). It’s Crazy and They Told Me It Would Be: Experiences of New Mathematics Teacher Educators. Presentation at the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Fort Worth, Texas.
Hodges, T. E., Jong, C., & Welder, R. M. (2012, February). Relationships between Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Conceptions of Mathematics, Field Experiences, and Methods Coursework. Presentation at the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Fort Worth, Texas.
Reys, R., Welder, R. M., Newton, J., Fisher, B., & Safi, F. (2011, January). STaR—Service, Teaching, and Research in Mathematics Education—An Opportunity for New Doctorates in Mathematics Education. Invited member of a panel discussion at the 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Welder, R. M. & Champion, J. K. (2011, January). Supporting the Mathematical Development of Graduate Preservice Elementary Teachers. Presentation at the 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Welder, R. M., Hodges, T. E., & Jong, C. (2011, January). Elementary Teacher Candidates: A Survey of Beliefs, Attitudes, and Experiences in Mathematics. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Welder, R. M., Beisiegel, M., Eli, J., McCloskey, A., & Yow, J. (2011, January). New Mathematics Educators: How do the Experiences of New Mathematics Teachers and New Mathematics Teacher Educators Compare? Poster presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Welder, R. M.(2010, November). Using Common Student Misconceptions in Algebra to Improve Algebra Preparation. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the School Science and Mathematics Association. Fort Myers, Florida.
Welder, R. M. & Simonsen, L. (2010, January). Enhancing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Prerequisite Algebra Concepts. Presentation at the 14th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Workshops at National Conferences
Hillen, A., Olanoff, D., & Welder, R. M. (2015, April). Moving Beyond Common Denominators: Comparing Fractions Using Reasoning and Sense-Making. Workshop at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts.
Hillen, A. F., Olanoff, D., Welder,R. M., Feldman, Z., Tobias, J. M., Thanheiser, E. (2014, February). Modifying Children’s Mathematical Tasks for Use in Content Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers. Workshop at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, California.
Welder, R. M. & Latullipe, C. L. (2013, April). Arithmetic Fluency and Differentiated Instruction through Alternative Algorithms. Workshop at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado.
Welder, R. M. & Latullipe, C. L. (2011, April). Building Algebraic Reasoning: Research Based Activities for a Strong Foundation. Workshop at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Selected Regional Research Presentations
Foran, A., & Welder, R. M. (2021, March). Using an Analysis of Common Error Patterns to Support Learners’ Posing of Multi-Step Word Problems. Presentation for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Virtual.
Welder, R. M.(2015, October). Building Knowledge of Operations through Alternative and Multicultural Algorithms. Presentation at the 54th Annual Northwest Math Conference. Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
Welder, R. M.(2015, May). Mathematical Task Design for Preparing Elementary Teachers. Presentation at the School of Education Research Seminar, Hunter College. New York, New York.
Welder, R. M. & Simonsen, L. (2009, October). Developing Elementary School Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge Needed for Teaching Prerequisite Algebra Concepts. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Boston, Massachusetts.
Welder, R. M. (2009, May). A Look at Student Misconceptions and Obstacles in Learning Algebra. Presentation at the Annual Sharing Our Success Conference in Urban Science and Math Teaching. New York University, New York, New York.
Welder, R. M. (2008, November). Improving Algebra Preparation: What Research Says About Student Misconceptions and Difficulties. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York. Rye, New York.
Welder, R. M. (2005, March). Lessons Learned from Teaching Kindergarten and Fifth-Grade Mathematics. Presentation at a graduate mathematics education seminar, Montana State University. Bozeman, Montana.
Welder, R. M. (2003, April). Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. Presentation at a graduate mathematics colloquium, University of North Dakota. Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Invited Research Presentations
Welder, R. M. (2021, November). Mindfulness Strategies for Elementary Teachers and Students: Mitigating the Effects of Stress and Anxiety. Presentation for the Association of Childhood Educators of the College of Education and Human Development. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Welder, R. M. (2021, February). Mindfulness Strategies for Graduate Students: Mitigating the Effects of Stress and Anxiety. Presentation for the Graduate Student Association of the College of Education and Human Development. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Welder, R. M. (2020, October). Exploring the Benefits of Mindfulness and Embodiment Practices for College Instructors and their Students. Presentation for the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Department of Mathematical Sciences’ Colloquium. Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.
Welder, R. M. (*2020, April). Task Design in Content Courses for Prospective K-8 Teachers. Presentation for the Mathematics Education Colloquium. The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX [*talk canceled due to pandemic].
Welder, R. M. (2011, March). Interactive Web-based Tools for Learning Elementary Mathematics. Invited speaker at the Annual Long Island Math Conference. Old Westbury, New York.
Welder, R. M. (2009, February). Personality as a Factor in Mathematics Performance. Invited speaker at the Mathematics Center for Learning and Teaching, Hunter College. New York, New York. Funding provided by the Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant for District 30.
Welder, R. M. (2008, December). Algebra Misconceptions. Invited speaker at a doctoral seminar on How People Learn Mathematics and Why Many Do Not, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, New York.
Welder, R. M. (2008, May). An Investigation of Multiple Factors Leading to the Academic Challenges of Early College Seniors in Collegiate Level Mathematics Courses. Invited poster presentation at the Partnership for Teacher Excellence Curriculum Exposition. New York, New York.
Welder, R. M. & Nwosu, N. (2008, May). Reshaping Teacher Education: Formative Assessment as the Basis for New Teaching Tools and an Innovative Apprenticeship. Invited poster presentation at the Partnership for Teacher Excellence Curriculum Exposition. New York, New York.